
Andrei Peresunko

Andrei Peresunko Real Estate Broker

  • Direct: (647) 627-4938
  • Office: (905) 883-8300

Contact Agent


Hi! My name is Andrei Peresunko and I am a REALTOR in Toronto and GTA. The commitment to provide the best and highest quality service to my clients was the main guideline for me in every business I have owned in my life. And that’s why in all time the most business I’ve had from repeat satisfied clients and their referrals.

When you sell, nine years of my experience in advertising business, will serve to archive the best result in promoting your property. I guarantee, you will get the most exciting and pleasant experience.

When you buy, my natural accuracy, attention to details, foresight of developing the situation, diligence and reasonable caution, will help you to find the right property, which will fit you most at the current moment of your life path. I guarantee, you will find your dream home with me.

Highlight of Skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in Law
  • 15 years of experience as a business owner
  • Always focused on the best interest of my client
  • Extremely detailed in every aspect of a deal



These days, we all have such a powerful devices and Apps at our disposal, so should have no excuses for not being on time. Google Maps can easily build a route for you and using traffic data can provide you with estimate arrival time.

I want you to know that I really do value my client’s time and do my best to arrive 2 minutes ahead to don’t keep you waiting.

Response Time

The pace of modern life is so much faster compare to even ten years ago. We cannot wait anymore until tomorrow to get a reply for an email.

That is the reason why I will respond to your text message, phone call or email, regarding Real Estate needs, within 15 minutes time frame or I owe you coffee!


Isn’t it great to get the answer for your question before you forget what you wanted to ask? I think it is! This is the reason why I do my best to be reachable at the most convenient time for my clients.

And it doesn’t matter is it late evening or weekend –


Never Stop Learning

My University education in Law, helped me a lot during 15 years of my carrier as a Business Owner. Real Estate College was a great start for Real estate career, but is far from reality.

I’m here to bring you the highest standard of service and knowledge. And to be able to do this I never stop learning. All types of seminars and coaching courses are part of my Continuing Education Program.


Approximately 2/3 of total number of REALTORs in Toronto GTA are part-timers, because they have full time job anywhere else.

Can you imagine a Top professional without daily experience?

I am Full Time Real Estate Professional and I provide the top level service and expertise to my clients.

Focused on Details

Starting from our first meeting I try to assemble a puzzle consisting of you needs, wants and many other aspects, so you can get the desired result in the shortest period of time.

I pay a big attention to research not only history of the home, but also demographics, neighborhood’s infrastructure, like schools, parks, shopping, transit, development projects and many other details.


Andrei Peresunko
Andrei Peresunko
Do you have questions?
Call or text today, we are here to help!